
SecsHsms 方法

SecsHsms 类型公开以下成员。

Authentication account, according to the user name and password that have been set, sending server for account authentication.
(继承自 NetworkDoubleBase。)
Authentication account, according to the user name and password that have been set, sending server for account authentication.
(继承自 NetworkDoubleBase。)
检查当前从网口接收的数据是否是完整的,如果是完整的,则需要返回 True,表示数据接收立即完成,默认返回 True
Check whether the data currently received from the network port is complete, and if it is complete, you need to return True, indicating that the data reception is completed immediately, and the default value is True
(继承自 NetworkDoubleBase。)
Check whether the token of the current header subsection information is correct, only for some special protocol implementations
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
Manually disconnect from the remote server, if it is currently in long connection mode, it will switch to short connection mode
(继承自 NetworkDoubleBase。)
Manually disconnect from the remote server, if it is currently in long connection mode, it will switch to short connection mode
(继承自 NetworkDoubleBase。)
Try to connect to a remote server. If the connection is successful, switch the short connection mode to the long connection mode. Each subsequent request will share a channel, making the communication speed faster.
(继承自 NetworkDoubleBase。)
Use the specified socket to create the alien client. In the alien client mode, the network channel needs to be created passively.
(继承自 NetworkDoubleBase。)
公共方法ConnectServer(MqttClient, String, String)
(继承自 NetworkDoubleBase。)
Try to connect to a remote server. If the connection is successful, switch the short connection mode to the long connection mode. Each subsequent request will share a channel, making the communication speed faster.
(继承自 NetworkDoubleBase。)
受保护的方法代码示例CreateSocketAndConnect(String, Int32)
Create a new socket object and connect to the remote address. The default timeout is 10 seconds. You need to specify the IP address and port number.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法代码示例CreateSocketAndConnect(IPEndPoint, Int32, IPEndPoint)
创建一个新的socket对象并连接到远程的地址,需要指定远程终结点,超时时间(单位是毫秒),如果需要绑定本地的IP或是端口,传入 local对象
To create a new socket object and connect to the remote address, you need to specify the remote endpoint, the timeout period (in milliseconds), if you need to bind the local IP or port, pass in the local object
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法代码示例CreateSocketAndConnect(String, Int32, Int32)
To create a new socket object and connect to a remote address, you need to specify the IP address and port number information, and the timeout period in milliseconds
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法代码示例CreateSocketAndConnectAsync(String, Int32)
Create a new socket object and connect to the remote address. The default timeout is 10 seconds. You need to specify the IP address and port number.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法代码示例CreateSocketAndConnectAsync(IPEndPoint, Int32, IPEndPoint)
创建一个新的socket对象并连接到远程的地址,需要指定远程终结点,超时时间(单位是毫秒),如果需要绑定本地的IP或是端口,传入 local对象
To create a new socket object and connect to the remote address, you need to specify the remote endpoint, the timeout period (in milliseconds), if you need to bind the local IP or port, pass in the local object
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法代码示例CreateSocketAndConnectAsync(String, Int32, Int32)
To create a new socket object and connect to a remote address, you need to specify the IP address and port number information, and the timeout period in milliseconds
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
决定当前的消息是否是应答机制的消息内容,需要在客户端进行重写实现,如果是应答机制,返回 True, 否则返回 False
To determine whether the current message is the message content of the response mechanism, it needs to be rewritten on the client side. If it is the response mechanism, return True, otherwise return False
(重写 NetworkDoubleBaseDecideWhetherQAMessage(Socket, OperateResultByte).)
删除一个指定的文件,如果文件不存在,直接返回 True,如果文件存在则直接删除,删除成功返回 True,如果发生了异常,返回False
Delete a specified file, if the file does not exist, return True directly, if the file exists, delete it directly, if the deletion is successful, return True, if an exception occurs, return False
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
Release the current resource. If this method is called, the object needs to be instantiated again when it is used again.
(继承自 NetworkDoubleBase。)
(继承自 NetworkDoubleBase。)
公共方法Equals (继承自 Object。)
The method called when the interaction with the server is completed can perform some additional operations based on the read and write results. The specific operations need to be rewritten according to actual needs.
(继承自 NetworkDoubleBase。)
Select whether to rewrite this method according to the actual protocol. Some protocols need to send some packets to close the current network channel before disconnecting.
(继承自 NetworkDoubleBase。)
Select whether to rewrite this method according to the actual protocol. Some protocols need to send some packets to close the current network channel before disconnecting.
(继承自 NetworkDoubleBase。)
受保护的方法Finalize (继承自 Object。)
Obtain the available network channels for this operation. If it is a short connection, a new network channel is regenerated. If it is a long connection, the current network channel is reused.
(继承自 NetworkDoubleBase。)
Obtain the available network channels for this operation. If it is a short connection, a new network channel is regenerated. If it is a long connection, the current network channel is reused.
(继承自 NetworkDoubleBase。)
公共方法GetHashCode (继承自 Object。)
The method to get a new message object needs to be overridden in the inheritance class
(重写 NetworkDoubleBaseGetNewNetMessage.)
Get the current pipe information used for communication
(继承自 NetworkDoubleBase。)
公共方法GetType (继承自 Object。)
Whether to rewrite this method is based on the actual protocol. Some protocols require some initial signal handshake to establish a network channel after the connection is created.
(重写 NetworkDoubleBaseInitializationOnConnect(Socket).)
Whether to rewrite this method is based on the actual protocol. Some protocols require some initial signal handshake to establish a network channel after the connection is created.
(重写 NetworkDoubleBaseInitializationOnConnectAsync(Socket).)
PING the IP address of the current device and return the PING result. Normally, it returns Success
(继承自 NetworkDoubleBase。)
受保护的方法MemberwiseClone (继承自 Object。)
The current command is packaged, usually carrying the content of the command header, marking the length of the current command, and it needs to be rewritten, otherwise it is not packaged by default
(继承自 NetworkDoubleBase。)
Send data to the current network channel and receive a complete message specified by INetMessage from the network channel. The network channel will be automatically obtained according to the GetAvailableSocket method This method is thread-safe.
(继承自 NetworkDoubleBase。)
公共方法ReadFromCoreServer(IEnumerableByte) (继承自 NetworkDoubleBase。)
公共方法代码示例ReadFromCoreServer(Byte, Boolean, Boolean)
Send data to the current network channel and receive a complete message specified by INetMessage from the network channel. The network channel will be automatically obtained according to the GetAvailableSocket method This method is thread-safe.
(继承自 NetworkDoubleBase。)
公共方法代码示例ReadFromCoreServer(Socket, Byte, Boolean, Boolean)
Sends a data message to the specified network channel, and returns a complete data command according to the currently specified INetMessage type
(继承自 NetworkDoubleBase。)
Send data to the current network channel and receive a complete message specified by INetMessage from the network channel. The network channel will be automatically obtained according to the GetAvailableSocket method This method is thread-safe.
(继承自 NetworkDoubleBase。)
公共方法ReadFromCoreServerAsync(IEnumerableByte) (继承自 NetworkDoubleBase。)
公共方法代码示例ReadFromCoreServerAsync(Byte, Boolean, Boolean)
Send data to the current network channel and receive a complete message specified by INetMessage from the network channel. The network channel will be automatically obtained according to the GetAvailableSocket method This method is thread-safe.
(继承自 NetworkDoubleBase。)
公共方法代码示例ReadFromCoreServerAsync(Socket, Byte, Boolean, Boolean)
Sends a data message to the specified network channel, and returns a complete data command according to the currently specified INetMessage type
(继承自 NetworkDoubleBase。)
公共方法ReadSecsMessage(Byte, Byte, SecsValue, Boolean)
Send the data message to the device according to the specified function code, and wait for the Secs message to be returned from the SECS device. This access mechanism is in question-and-answer mode.
公共方法ReadSecsMessage(Byte, Byte, Byte, Boolean)
Send the data message to the device according to the specified function code, and wait for the Secs message to be returned from the SECS device. This access mechanism is in question-and-answer mode.
公共方法ReadSecsMessageAsync(Byte, Byte, SecsValue, Boolean)
Send the data message to the device according to the specified function code, and wait for the Secs message to be returned from the SECS device. This access mechanism is in question-and-answer mode.
公共方法ReadSecsMessageAsync(Byte, Byte, Byte, Boolean)
Send the data message to the device according to the specified function code, and wait for the Secs message to be returned from the SECS device. This access mechanism is in question-and-answer mode.
Read the data in the stream to the buffer area. The length of the read needs to be determined according to the actual situation.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
Read the data in the stream to the buffer area. The length of the read needs to be determined according to the actual situation.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法Receive(SslStream, Int32, Int32, ActionInt64, Int64)
Receiving a fixed-length byte array, allowing a specified timeout time. The default is 60 seconds. When length is greater than 0, fixed-length data content is received. When length is less than 0, random data information of a length not greater than 2048 is received.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法Receive(Socket, Int32, Int32, ActionInt64, Int64)
Receiving a fixed-length byte array, allowing a specified timeout time. The default is 60 seconds. When length is greater than 0, fixed-length data content is received. When length is less than 0, random data information of a length not greater than 2048 is received.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法Receive(SslStream, Byte, Int32, Int32, Int32, ActionInt64, Int64)
Receiving a fixed-length byte array, allowing a specified timeout time. The default is 60 seconds. When length is greater than 0, fixed-length data content is received. When length is less than 0, random data information of a length not greater than 2048 is received.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法Receive(Socket, Byte, Int32, Int32, Int32, ActionInt64, Int64)
Receiving a fixed-length byte array, allowing a specified timeout time. The default is 60 seconds. When length is greater than 0, fixed-length data content is received. When length is less than 0, random data information of a length not greater than 2048 is received.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
[自校验] 接收一条完整的同步数据,包含头子节和内容字节,基础的数据,如果结果异常,则结束通讯
[Self-checking] Receive a complete synchronization data, including header subsection and content bytes, basic data, if the result is abnormal, the communication ends
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
[自校验] 接收一条完整的同步数据,包含头子节和内容字节,基础的数据,如果结果异常,则结束通讯
[Self-checking] Receive a complete synchronization data, including header subsection and content bytes, basic data, if the result is abnormal, the communication ends
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法ReceiveAsync(SslStream, Int32, Int32, ActionInt64, Int64)
Receiving a fixed-length byte array, allowing a specified timeout time. The default is 60 seconds. When length is greater than 0, fixed-length data content is received. When length is less than 0, random data information of a length not greater than 2048 is received.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法ReceiveAsync(Socket, Int32, Int32, ActionInt64, Int64)
Receiving a fixed-length byte array, allowing a specified timeout time. The default is 60 seconds. When length is greater than 0, fixed-length data content is received. When length is less than 0, random data information of a length not greater than 2048 is received.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法ReceiveAsync(SslStream, Byte, Int32, Int32, Int32, ActionInt64, Int64)
Receiving a fixed-length byte array, allowing a specified timeout time. The default is 60 seconds. When length is greater than 0, fixed-length data content is received. When length is less than 0, random data information of a length not greater than 2048 is received.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法ReceiveAsync(Socket, Byte, Int32, Int32, Int32, ActionInt64, Int64)
Receiving a fixed-length byte array, allowing a specified timeout time. The default is 60 seconds. When length is greater than 0, fixed-length data content is received. When length is less than 0, random data information of a length not greater than 2048 is received.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
接收一条完整的 数据内容,需要指定超时时间,单位为毫秒。
Receive a complete data content, Need to specify a timeout period in milliseconds
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
接收一条完整的 数据内容,需要指定超时时间,单位为毫秒。
Receive a complete data content, Need to specify a timeout period in milliseconds
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
[自校验] 从网络中接收一串字节数据,如果结果异常,则结束通讯
[Self-checking] Receive a string of byte data from the network. If the result is abnormal, the communication ends.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
[自校验] 从网络中接收一串字节数据,如果结果异常,则结束通讯
[Self-checking] Receive a string of byte data from the network. If the result is abnormal, the communication ends.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法ReceiveCommandLineFromSocket(Socket, Byte, Int32)
To receive a line of command data, you need to specify the terminator yourself. The default timeout is 60 seconds, which is 60,000, in milliseconds.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法ReceiveCommandLineFromSocket(Socket, Byte, Byte, Int32)
To receive a line of command data, you need to specify the terminator yourself. The default timeout is 60 seconds, which is 60,000, in milliseconds.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法ReceiveCommandLineFromSocketAsync(Socket, Byte, Int32)
To receive a line of command data, you need to specify the terminator yourself. The default timeout is 60 seconds, which is 60,000, in milliseconds.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法ReceiveCommandLineFromSocketAsync(Socket, Byte, Byte, Int32)
To receive a line of command data, you need to specify the terminator yourself. The default timeout is 60 seconds, which is 60,000, in milliseconds.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
Receive a piece of hsl protocol data information, automatically parse, decompress, and decode operations to obtain the last actual data. The result is a opCode, user code, and payload data in order.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
Receive a piece of hsl protocol data information, automatically parse, decompress, and decode operations to obtain the last actual data. The result is a opCode, user code, and payload data in order.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
Use MQTT protocol to receive byte array from the network, and then write it to file or stream, support progress report
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
Use MQTT protocol to receive byte array from the network, and then write it to file or stream, support progress report
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法ReceiveMqttMessage(SslStream, Int32, ActionInt64, Int64)
Receive a message of a completed MQTT protocol, including control code and payload data
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法ReceiveMqttMessage(Socket, Int32, ActionInt64, Int64)
Receive a message of a completed MQTT protocol, including control code and payload data
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法ReceiveMqttMessageAsync(SslStream, Int32, ActionInt64, Int64)
Receive a message of a completed MQTT protocol, including control code and payload data
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法ReceiveMqttMessageAsync(Socket, Int32, ActionInt64, Int64)
Receive a message of a completed MQTT protocol, including control code and payload data
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
Use the MQTT protocol to receive a byte array of specified length from the socket, and then write all of them to the stream, and you can specify a progress report
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
Use the MQTT protocol to receive a byte array of specified length from the socket, and then write all of them to the stream, and you can specify a progress report
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
Receive a complete redis message from the network
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
Receive a complete redis message from the network
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
Receive a line of information based on the redis protocol string, you need to specify a fixed length
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
Receive a line of information based on the redis protocol string, you need to specify a fixed length
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
[自校验] 从网络中接收一个字符串数组,如果结果异常,则结束通讯
[Self-check] Receive an array of strings from the network. If the result is abnormal, the communication ends.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
[自校验] 从网络中接收一个字符串数组,如果结果异常,则结束通讯
[Self-check] Receive an array of strings from the network. If the result is abnormal, the communication ends.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
[自校验] 从网络中接收一个字符串数据,如果结果异常,则结束通讯
[Self-checking] Receive a string of data from the network. If the result is abnormal, the communication ends.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
[自校验] 从网络中接收一个字符串数据,如果结果异常,则结束通讯
[Self-checking] Receive a string of data from the network. If the result is abnormal, the communication ends.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
Receive a complete websocket data from the socket, return the data information of the WebSocketMessage
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
Receive a complete websocket data from the socket, return the data information of the WebSocketMessage
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
Receive a complete websocket data from the socket, return the data information of the WebSocketMessage
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
Receive a complete websocket data from the socket, return the data information of the WebSocketMessage
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法Send(SslStream, Byte)
Send a message to the socket until it returns when completed. After testing, this method is thread-safe.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法Send(Socket, Byte)
Send a message to the socket until it returns when completed. After testing, this method is thread-safe.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法Send(SslStream, Byte, Int32, Int32)
Send a message to the socket until it returns when completed. After testing, this method is thread-safe.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法Send(Socket, Byte, Int32, Int32)
Send a message to the socket until it returns when completed. After testing, this method is thread-safe.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
[自校验] 直接发送字符串数组并确认对方接收完成数据,如果结果异常,则结束通讯
[Self-check] Send string array directly and confirm that the other party has received the completed data. If the result is abnormal, the communication ends.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
[自校验] 直接发送字符串数组并确认对方接收完成数据,如果结果异常,则结束通讯
[Self-check] Send string array directly and confirm that the other party has received the completed data. If the result is abnormal, the communication ends.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法SendAsync(SslStream, Byte)
Send a message to the socket until it returns when completed. After testing, this method is thread-safe.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法SendAsync(Socket, Byte)
Send a message to the socket until it returns when completed. After testing, this method is thread-safe.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法SendAsync(SslStream, Byte, Int32, Int32)
Send a message to the socket until it returns when completed. After testing, this method is thread-safe.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法SendAsync(Socket, Byte, Int32, Int32)
Send a message to the socket until it returns when completed. After testing, this method is thread-safe.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
[自校验] 发送字节数据并确认对方接收完成数据,如果结果异常,则结束通讯
[Self-check] Send the byte data and confirm that the other party has received the completed data. If the result is abnormal, the communication ends.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
[自校验] 发送字节数据并确认对方接收完成数据,如果结果异常,则结束通讯
[Self-check] Send the byte data and confirm that the other party has received the completed data. If the result is abnormal, the communication ends.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
公共方法SendByCommand(Byte, Byte, SecsValue, Boolean)
Sending data to the device side simply sends the data to the past, and does not wait for the data from the device to return, and returns whether the transmission is successful.
公共方法SendByCommand(Byte, Byte, Byte, Boolean)
Sending data to the device side simply sends the data to the past, and does not wait for the data from the device to return, and returns whether the transmission is successful.
公共方法SendByCommandAsync(Byte, Byte, SecsValue, Boolean)
Sending data to the device side simply sends the data to the past, and does not wait for the data from the device to return, and returns whether the transmission is successful.
公共方法SendByCommandAsync(Byte, Byte, Byte, Boolean)
Sending data to the device side simply sends the data to the past, and does not wait for the data from the device to return, and returns whether the transmission is successful.
[自校验] 发送字节数据并确认对方接收完成数据,如果结果异常,则结束通讯
[Self-check] Send the byte data and confirm that the other party has received the completed data. If the result is abnormal, the communication ends.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
[自校验] 发送字节数据并确认对方接收完成数据,如果结果异常,则结束通讯
[Self-check] Send the byte data and confirm that the other party has received the completed data. If the result is abnormal, the communication ends.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法SendMqttFile(Socket, Stream, String, String, ActionInt64, Int64, AesCryptography, HslCancelToken)
Use the MQTT protocol to send a data stream to the network, the file name that needs to be saved, optional file description information, progress report
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法SendMqttFile(Socket, String, String, String, ActionInt64, Int64, AesCryptography, HslCancelToken)
To send a file to the network using the MQTT protocol, you need to specify the file name, the saved file name, optionally specify the file description information, and the progress report
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法SendMqttFileAsync(Socket, Stream, String, String, ActionInt64, Int64, AesCryptography, HslCancelToken)
Use the MQTT protocol to send a data stream to the network, the file name that needs to be saved, optional file description information, progress report
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法SendMqttFileAsync(Socket, String, String, String, ActionInt64, Int64, AesCryptography, HslCancelToken)
To send a file to the network using the MQTT protocol, you need to specify the file name, the saved file name, optionally specify the file description information, and the progress report
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
Use the MQTT protocol to read the data in the stream into a byte array, and then write them all into the socket. You can specify a progress report, which is mainly used to send files to the network.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
Use the MQTT protocol to read the data in the stream into a byte array, and then write them all into the socket. You can specify a progress report, which is mainly used to send files to the network.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
Send all the data of a stream to the specified network socket. You need to specify the length of the data to be sent. It supports the progress report in percentage.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
Send all the data of a stream to the specified network socket. You need to specify the length of the data to be sent. It supports the progress report in percentage.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法SendStringAndCheckReceive(Socket, Int32, String)
[自校验] 直接发送字符串数据并确认对方接收完成数据,如果结果异常,则结束通讯
[Self-checking] Send string data directly and confirm that the other party has received the completed data. If the result is abnormal, the communication ends.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法SendStringAndCheckReceive(Socket, Int32, String)
[自校验] 直接发送字符串数组并确认对方接收完成数据,如果结果异常,则结束通讯
[Self-check] Send string array directly and confirm that the other party has received the completed data. If the result is abnormal, the communication ends.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法SendStringAndCheckReceiveAsync(Socket, Int32, String)
[自校验] 直接发送字符串数据并确认对方接收完成数据,如果结果异常,则结束通讯
[Self-checking] Send string data directly and confirm that the other party has received the completed data. If the result is abnormal, the communication ends.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
受保护的方法SendStringAndCheckReceiveAsync(Socket, Int32, String)
[自校验] 直接发送字符串数组并确认对方接收完成数据,如果结果异常,则结束通讯
[Self-check] Send string array directly and confirm that the other party has received the completed data. If the result is abnormal, the communication ends.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
Set the current login account name and password information, and enable the account verification function. The account name setting will not take effect when it is empty
(继承自 NetworkDoubleBase。)
Before reading the data, you can call this method to set the client to the long connection mode, which is equivalent to skipping the result verification of ConnectServer, and it is invalid for the alien client. When the first communication is performed, the connection creation request is performed.
(继承自 NetworkDoubleBase。)
To set up a new network channel, generally speaking, you do not need to call this method. This method is only needed to set up a shared channel when multiple network port devices share a network connection.
(继承自 NetworkDoubleBase。)
公共方法ToString (重写 NetworkDoubleBaseToString.)
According to the message command returned by the other party, the command is basically unpacked, for example, various Modbus protocols are unpacked into a unified core message, and the verification of the message is also supported
(继承自 NetworkDoubleBase。)
Write the buffer data to the stream
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
Write the buffer data to the stream
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
Receives all data from the socket and writes it to the specified stream. The length of the data needs to be specified, and progress reporting is supported in percentage.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
Receives all data from the socket and writes it to the specified stream. The length of the data needs to be specified, and progress reporting is supported in percentage.
(继承自 NetworkBase。)
Gets the string represented by the JSON format of the current object.
(由 HslExtension 定义。)