
ReadWriteNetHelper 方法

ReadWriteNetHelper 类型公开以下成员。

公共方法Equals (继承自 Object。)
受保护的方法Finalize (继承自 Object。)
公共方法GetHashCode (继承自 Object。)
公共方法GetType (继承自 Object。)
受保护的方法MemberwiseClone (继承自 Object。)
公共方法静态成员代码示例ReadCustomerT(IReadWriteNet, String)
To read a custom data type, you need to inherit from the IDataTransfer interface and return an instance object of a new type.
公共方法静态成员代码示例ReadCustomerT(IReadWriteNet, String, T)
To read a custom data type, you need to inherit from the IDataTransfer interface, pass in an instance, assign a value to this instance, and return the object of the instance.
公共方法静态成员代码示例ReadCustomerAsyncT(IReadWriteNet, String)
To read a custom data type, you need to inherit from the IDataTransfer interface and return an instance object of a new type.
公共方法静态成员代码示例ReadCustomerAsyncT(IReadWriteNet, String, T)
To read a custom data type, you need to inherit from the IDataTransfer interface, pass in an instance, assign a value to this instance, and return the object of the instance.
公共方法ToString (继承自 Object。)
公共方法静态成员Wait(IReadWriteNet, String, Boolean, Int32, Int32)
Waiting for the Boolean value of the specified address to be the specified value, you can specify the frequency of refreshing the data, and the timeout time to wait. If the timeout time is -1, it is an indefinite wait.
公共方法静态成员Wait(IReadWriteNet, String, Int16, Int32, Int32)
Waiting for the Int16 value of the specified address to be the specified value, you can specify the frequency of refreshing the data, and the timeout time to wait. If the timeout time is -1, it is an indefinite wait.
公共方法静态成员Wait(IReadWriteNet, String, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Waiting for the Int32 value of the specified address to be the specified value, you can specify the frequency of refreshing the data, and the timeout time to wait. If the timeout time is -1, it is an indefinite wait.
公共方法静态成员Wait(IReadWriteNet, String, Int64, Int32, Int32)
Waiting for the Int64 value of the specified address to be the specified value, you can specify the frequency of refreshing the data, and the timeout time to wait. If the timeout time is -1, it is an indefinite wait.
公共方法静态成员Wait(IReadWriteNet, String, UInt16, Int32, Int32)
Waiting for the UInt16 value of the specified address to be the specified value, you can specify the frequency of refreshing the data, and the timeout time to wait. If the timeout time is -1, it is an indefinite wait.
公共方法静态成员Wait(IReadWriteNet, String, UInt32, Int32, Int32)
Waiting for the UInt32 value of the specified address to be the specified value, you can specify the frequency of refreshing the data, and the timeout time to wait. If the timeout time is -1, it is an indefinite wait.
公共方法静态成员Wait(IReadWriteNet, String, UInt64, Int32, Int32)
Waiting for the UInt64 value of the specified address to be the specified value, you can specify the frequency of refreshing the data, and the timeout time to wait. If the timeout time is -1, it is an indefinite wait.
公共方法静态成员WaitAsync(IReadWriteNet, String, Boolean, Int32, Int32)
Waiting for the Boolean value of the specified address to be the specified value, you can specify the frequency of refreshing the data, and the timeout time to wait. If the timeout time is -1, it is an indefinite wait.
公共方法静态成员WaitAsync(IReadWriteNet, String, Int16, Int32, Int32)
Waiting for the Int16 value of the specified address to be the specified value, you can specify the frequency of refreshing the data, and the timeout time to wait. If the timeout time is -1, it is an indefinite wait.
公共方法静态成员WaitAsync(IReadWriteNet, String, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Waiting for the Int32 value of the specified address to be the specified value, you can specify the frequency of refreshing the data, and the timeout time to wait. If the timeout time is -1, it is an indefinite wait.
公共方法静态成员WaitAsync(IReadWriteNet, String, Int64, Int32, Int32)
Waiting for the Int64 value of the specified address to be the specified value, you can specify the frequency of refreshing the data, and the timeout time to wait. If the timeout time is -1, it is an indefinite wait.
公共方法静态成员WaitAsync(IReadWriteNet, String, UInt16, Int32, Int32)
Waiting for the UInt16 value of the specified address to be the specified value, you can specify the frequency of refreshing the data, and the timeout time to wait. If the timeout time is -1, it is an indefinite wait.
公共方法静态成员WaitAsync(IReadWriteNet, String, UInt32, Int32, Int32)
Waiting for the UInt32 value of the specified address to be the specified value, you can specify the frequency of refreshing the data, and the timeout time to wait. If the timeout time is -1, it is an indefinite wait.
公共方法静态成员WaitAsync(IReadWriteNet, String, UInt64, Int32, Int32)
Waiting for the UInt64 value of the specified address to be the specified value, you can specify the frequency of refreshing the data, and the timeout time to wait. If the timeout time is -1, it is an indefinite wait.
The function of writing bit-to-word registers, which first reads the word data of the word register, then modifies the bits in it, and then writes back, which may be the risk of dirty data
The function of writing bit-to-word registers, which first reads the word data of the word register, then modifies the bits in it, and then writes back, which may be the risk of dirty data
Write data of a custom type, which must inherit from the IDataTransfer interface
Write data of a custom type, which must inherit from the IDataTransfer interface
Gets the string represented by the JSON format of the current object.
(由 HslExtension 定义。)