
HslExtensionGetBoolByIndex 方法

公共方法静态成员GetBoolByIndex(Byte, Int32)
获取Byte的第 boolIndex 偏移的bool值,比如3,就是第4位
Get the bool value of Byte's boolIndex offset, such as 3, which is the 4th bit
公共方法静态成员GetBoolByIndex(Byte, Int32)
获取Byte数组的第 boolIndex 偏移的bool值,这个偏移值可以为 10,就是第 1 个字节的 第3位
Get the bool value of the boolIndex offset of the Byte array. The offset value can be 10, which is the third bit of the first byte
公共方法静态成员GetBoolByIndex(Int16, Int32)
获取short类型数据的第 boolIndex (从0起始)偏移的bool值,比如3,就是第4位
Get the bool value of the boolIndex (starting from 0) offset of the short type data, such as 3, which is the 4th bit
公共方法静态成员GetBoolByIndex(Int32, Int32)
获取int类型数据的第 boolIndex (从0起始)偏移的bool值,比如3,就是第4位
Get the bool value of the boolIndex (starting from 0) offset of the int type data, such as 3, which is the 4th bit
公共方法静态成员GetBoolByIndex(Int64, Int32)
获取long类型数据的第 boolIndex (从0起始)偏移的bool值,比如3,就是第4位
Get the bool value of the boolIndex (starting from 0) offset of the long type data, such as 3, which is the 4th bit
公共方法静态成员GetBoolByIndex(UInt16, Int32)
获取ushort类型数据的第 boolIndex (从0起始)偏移的bool值,比如3,就是第4位
Get the bool value of the boolIndex (starting from 0) offset of the ushort type data, such as 3, which is the 4th bit
公共方法静态成员GetBoolByIndex(UInt32, Int32)
获取uint类型数据的第 boolIndex (从0起始)偏移的bool值,比如3,就是第4位
Get the bool value of the boolIndex (starting from 0) offset of the uint type data, such as 3, which is the 4th bit
公共方法静态成员GetBoolByIndex(UInt64, Int32)
获取ulong类型数据的第 boolIndex (从0起始)偏移的bool值,比如3,就是第4位
Get the bool value of the boolIndex (starting from 0) offset of the ulong type data, such as 3, which is the 4th bit